PART 2- 7 keys To An Enjoyable Relationship

Hey guys here is the final episode of this series, 7 Keys To An Enjoyable Relationship.

 I trust you all have been waiting for this. You can read up the part one by clicking the link below⤵

7 Keys To An Enjoyable Relationship Part 1

So we have already gone through the first three keys and so we have four more to go🙌 !!!


Yes! This here is so important, we have basically five love languages. And perhaps, this is the first time you might be hearing this, however, when we say love language, we are simply referring to a specific pattern of communicating love. And there are summarily five patterns which can be used to communicate love and these include; words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, receiving gifts and physical touch.
What's interesting to note here is, because of our diverse personalities, each individual usually has one or two primary love language while the others are secondary. What do I mean? If a person's primary love languages are words of affirmation and receiving of gifts, it therefore means that the other three love languages are secondary for the person. And this means that, when people speak kind words, encouraging words, supportive words to such a person, he/she interprets it as love, why? Because that is the person's primary love language. Also, when someone buys a gift for such a one, the act is also interpreted as a sign of love in the eyes of such individual.
I believe its clearer now, subsequently, I will be writing a post where I will be explaining the five love languages in depth. Now! Why is this so important? And how can it lead you to have an enjoyable relationship with your spouse or partner? Simple, when you speak your partner's primary love language you are simply telling him/her of your love for them. This will result in a situation where your partner will feel more love coming from you. However, most times we get this wrong, in the sense that we are actually doing our best to show our partners that we love and care about them, nevertheless, we are not speaking the particular language that they understand and so this makes all efforts made, more or less futile. To help you understand this, let me give an illustration;
A man is married to a woman whose primary love language is quality time. Meanwhile, his own primary love language is receiving gifts. (Here's what happens), the woman who interprets love as spending quality time with one's partner, would strive to make out more time to spend with her husband, with the hope that he would reciprocate the act, making her to feel loved by her husband, HOWEVER, this is not the language her husband understands or interpretes as love! On the part of the man, he spends his money buying priceless gifts for his woman, hoping that perhaps, she will love him back by buying gifts for him, HOWEVER, this act doesn't mean much for the woman because what she is yearning for to feel loved, is for more quality time from her husband. So you see there is what we call a CONFLICT of interest here!

So now I believe you understand better. The truth is very many persons are unaware of this and this is one of the reasons many are having consistent misunderstandings in their relationship. One thing to note however is that we each have the tendency of giving or showing love in our own primary love language (the language we understand) but this doesn't always work because our partner just might have a different love language. Thus, for you to have a more enjoyable relationship with your partner you need to learn your partner's primary love language and speak it!


Someone once said this, “Couples that play (and some say, pray) together, stay together". I believe the emphasis here, is in the part of doing something meaningful together or as a couple. Some relationships and/or marriages tend to become boring overtime, because, both partners involved have shifted focus from building their relationship together as a team, to building their personal lives as well as their careers on their own (that is, individually) without any input from the other. Some even attempt to build up their relationship singlehandedly, without the help of their mate. And this is so WRONG!
For you to enjoy your relationship with your partner, you need to get him or her involved in virtually every aspect of your life, especially for those of you who are already married (remember, in marriage, the two shall become one). So you have to and need to quit your single ways, and put your partner into consideration in all that you do. This means that things you normally would do by yourself, you can and should involve your partner. This is not to say that each of you ought not to have privacy, but I'm saying there should be a balance. Sometimes, we get so accustomed to doing things all by ourselves. For married men, do not leave out the input of your wife in your family's financial matters, again do not leave her to raise your kids all by herself, also with respect to chores, make it a habit to help out every now and then, these mean a lot to her and she will appreciate you more. For married women, please support your husband's favourite sport, if he likes watching the game, spend time doing so with him, remember, it doesn't have to be all the time, but make it a habit still, especially if you want him to do same for you. Get more interested in his looks than only yours, help him knot his ties, help him choose colours to match on his dressing and much more. Another very important thing is for couples to pray together, this will strengthen your bond and if you are strong together, spiritually, then, together you will both soar high and be strong, physically. And always see yourselves as a team, if one person should fall then you both would, and if one person rises then you both would.
So make it a point to do quality things together this month and all through the year. And if you are still single but dating, you are not exempted, nevertheless, do not engage in activities which are meant for only those who are married. Things like having sex with your dating partner whilst unmarried will only cloud one's judgement and minimize trust in your relationship.

Gifts are little reminders that you have a place in your partner's heart. So whether or not it is your partner's primary love language to receive gifts, every now and then make sure you give a gift to your partner.

Exchange gifts with each other! This will be fun, exciting and encouraging. And note this, it is not necessarily the size of the gift that matters, but the thoughtfulness in it. It doesn't have to be something expensive all the time. Once you start doing this often, soon your partner will begin to reciprocate. Meanwhile, Valentine's Day is around the corner, so perhaps now is a good time to put this into practice 😊 !!


What is the point of being in a relationship when you have to keep it hidden? Believe me, this will drain one or both partners, especially when such an agreement is not mutually shared. It is human nature to want to brag with what we own or have. I believe that when two persons are in love, they should want to let the whole world know, especially love that is honest and genuine. If you are dating a lady as a man, please tell others about it, and if you are a lady dating a man, please say so as well. If nobody knows that you are taken, then you most likely will still be getting side glances and attention of suitors. However, when you both proclaim your status, it helps maintain a sense of security in your relationship and you both will enjoy your relationship better. And if you are married, well you know better than to hide it.
A woman who has a husband that speaks highly of her in public will function better as a wife than one whose husband speaks very poorly of her and vice a versa!!! This same principle applies to couples who are still in their dating phase of their relationship.

WELL, this brings us to the end of this series. I hope you enjoyed it? If you did please leave your comments below and if you have any questions you can also leave them here or if you need some privacy then send a message to Elma David as I would gladly respond. Also share this post with your friends, family and most especially, your partner. Special thanks goes to all my subscribers and if you still haven't subscribed make sure you do. Feel free to follow me on instagram @elmadavid_ig and Like my Facebook page @ElmaDavid Blog. Thank you and have a lovely week.

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  1. This was really worth the read. Thanks

  2. Nice write up... I don't regret the time I spent on reading this article
